In Brazil, millions of children are victims of child labor. In the last survey carried out
by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) it was found that about 1.8 million children
and adolescents between 5 and 17 years old were working in Brazil that year.
So, on Children's Day, we launched an urban intervention project to alert the entire population
and encourage them to report places where children are working.
The project was inspired by the signs “Caution, men working” and created a new version
with the phrase “Caution, kids working”. The signs were spread across strategic points in São Paulo,
such as places close to public agencies and with a large flow of children active in street commerce.
Released in some of the most important brazilian creative blogs
Some signs were spread
in region of the city of São Paulo
where there is a large volume
of children working.
The QR, presentin the pieces,
redirected to the project's Instagram,
where there was information
and reporting channels.
role: creative, concept & art director
copywiring: Igor Carneiro
art direction: Lucas Zulian
copywiring: Igor Carneiro
art direction: Lucas Zulian